The LM317 large integrated circuit manufacturers have similar products to choose from, and are a widely used series of integrated regulators.The output voltage range of the LM317 is 1.25V-37V (the design output voltage range of this kit is 1.25V-12V),…
1 Coins
Description:Features:JDY-31 Bluetooth-compatible is based on Bluetooth-compatible 3.0 SPP design, which can support Windows, Linux, for android data transmission, working frequency 2.4GHZ, modulation mode GFSK, maximum transmission power 8db, maximum…
2 Coins
Description:1. Circuit board size:Diameter: 50mm2. Circuit board material: Single- -sided 1 .6mm FR-43. Voltage: 5V4. LED aty: 10pcs of 5mm LED5. LED color: green, blue, white, red, yellow
2 Coins